Harrison Birtwistle - Guitar and White Hand (for Silas) (2007) see Notes and Legend below - 14 October 2024 audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eMqT2pmFDQ - Gilson Antunes audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvyfJvwYUmQ - Forbes Henderson video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2sEMuDMYsI - Ericsson Castro tuning: E A D G B E key: - 0 Con poco libero (60 bpm) F. p p m i m i m i e|------|---------|--------------|--------------------|---------------| B|------|---------|----3p2--6h8--|--5-----------------|---------------| G|------|--3---1--|--------------|--------------------|----------7h9--| D|------|--1---0--|----5---------|--7------3-----5----|--9-----8------| A|--0---|---------|--------------|------2------4---3--|-----6---------| E|--0---|---------|--------------|------0-------------|-----0---------| p 24 1 24 1 2 4 13 2 3 4 2 /4 1 3 2 4 5 cVI arp. e|---------0------|--------------|--------------|-------------| B|--8---6------4--|--------------|---------7-4--|-------------| G|----6-----------|-----------3--|--------------|-------------| D|---------9------|--2-----0-----|-----3-5------|--5---9---8--| A|----------------|------0-------|--2-----------|--3---7------| E|----------------|--1-----------|--0-----------|-------------| 3 1 4 4 12 3 1 2/2 4 1 13 /1/3 3 poco piu rall. 9 mosso cVI ^ e|-------8---------|---------------|---------|-----------------0----| B|-----0g---7------|---------------|---------|----------------------| G|--7--------------|---------------|---------|--1--------2----------| D|------------9----|---------------|--2---3--|-----1--0-----6-------| A|--------------7--|--8-11---4--2--|--0------|--4-----------6-------| E|-----------------|---------3--1--|---------|--------3-------------| 2 4 2 4 1 /1 4 34 12 3 3 4 3 2 [1 13 a tempo c7 i e|----11-------0----|-----------|-----------|--------|-----------| B|----9--------11---|--0--------|----6------|--------|-----------| G|---------7--------|-------0---|----5------|--------|----3------| D|---------7--------|-------11--|--------6--|--------|----1---0--| A|------------------|--8--------|-----------|----0---|-----------| E|------------------|-----------|--------9--|----0---|-----------| 24 [1 4 1 4 23 14 poco piu mosso rall. 18 m p p m a tempo e|---------------|-------------|----------------|----------| B|---------------|-------------|----------------|----------| G|--3-------0----|-------------|----------------|----------| D|--------4------|--4----------|----------------|----------| A|----2-3--------|----4--3--2--|----------3-----|--1----0--| E|------------4--|-------------|----4--3-----2--|--0-------| 2 1/1 3 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 2 1 22 poco rall. F. e|----------|------------|--9----13--|---------<7>----|| B|--4-------|-<12>-------|--7--------|----------------|| G|--1-------|---------0--|-----------|----<5>---------|| D|-------0--|------------|-----------|----------------|| A|----------|-<7>--------|-----------|----------------|| E|----------|------------|-----------|-<7>------------|| 13 > > > > > > pp Notes and Legend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: "Guitar and White Hand" is a 1927 painting by Pablo Picasso, (Guitare a la main blanche) - https://classtab.org/guitar_and_white_hand_picasso_1927.jpg left hand fingering (LHF) right hand fingering (RHF) 1 - index finger p - thumb 2 - middle finger i - index finger (forefinger) 3 - ring finger m - middle finger 4 - little finger a - ring finger (annular) cVI - part barre on the 6th fret cVII - part barre on the 7th fret p - piano - soft pp - pianissimo - very soft > > > - decrescendo - becoming softer bpm - beats per minute (quarter notes) poco - a little libero - in a free, unrestrained style F. - Fermata - pause, notes held for longer than their value arp. - arpeggiate poco piu mosso - a little faster rall. - rallentando - slowing down ^ - short pause a tempo - at normal speed h - hammer-on p - pull-off / - move the same finger up to play the next note g - grace note (ornament) - extra notes played just before the main note - natural (open) harmonic on the x fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tabbed by Vlad - checked by weed@wussu.com (15 October 2024) the latest version of this tab can be found at http://www.classtab.org