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links & credits
The International Pseudo-Union of Unpublished Classical Guitarists
A Page for Beginning to Intermediate Classical Guitarists - Kevin J Manges
Classclef - classical tabs, MIDIs, sheet music & vids - Christian Liang - nearly 8000 tabs from 1800 games - well organised + forum
Artopium - music term index
Classical Guitar Composers List - alphabetical / chronological / by nationality
Dolmetsch Music Dictionary Online - also symbols, accents, tempo & music theory & history
Music Theory - tuition, scales, key signatures, musical terms etc
toFret - Fretboard tools including tab to fretboard converter
TUNEdb - Modes in Traditional Music - table of modes and key signatures
Virginia Tech - multimedia music dictionary
Women and the Guitar - Emily Shaw (blog) - Female Classical Guitar Composers (Newsgroup Archive - Google Groups) (Newsgroup Archive - Google Groups) (Newsgroup Archive - Google Groups)
Classic Guitare Forum - (French) - popular multi-lingual forum (strict rules)
Classical and Flamenco Guitar MIDIs - includes Sor & Carcassi studies
Classical Guitar MIDI Archives - 2000 MIDIs of guitar pieces by 128 composers
Kunst der Fuge - 17,000 classical MIDIs (5 free downloads a day)
MIDI World - Scarlatti (Longo) - good resource
Reddit - classicalguitar - popular forum
Bach for Guitar in Tablature - TEFs & PDFs by Alan Melvin + web guide (best viewed with IE)
Guitar & Tablature - some rare tabs by Donald Sauter (alt ASCII format) + much info
La Guitare Classique - tabs in various formats by Phillipe Renaud
Baden Powell - authorised collection of tabs of his recordings (ptb & pdf)
Boije Collection - (Music Library of Sweden) - Classical Guitar Library - very large well organised sheet music collection (10,000 pieces) (pdf)
Creative Guitar - downloadable sheet music (5000 pieces) (pdf) - downloadable sheet music (pdf & gif)
Donald Sauter - index and cross-reference to Complete Works of Dionisio Aguado (Chanterelle)
Early Guitar - solos & duets of renaissance and baroque music - pdf scores & MIDIs by Dana Hawkes
Edition Leyenda / (from - tabs/sheet (tef/pdf) for 7/8/10/11 string guitars
Edson Lopes - original compositions and many arrangements (pdf)
Guitar Loot (Eric Crouch) - arrangements of Renaissance and Baroque Music (pdf, MIDI, XML)
IMSLP - International Music Score Library Project (pdf)
Matanya Ophee Archive (Appalachian State University) - huge collection (pdf)
Music for Classical Guitar - 2,500+ titles (including RiBS)
Mutopia Project - free sheet music + MIDIs (ly ps & pdf)
Pocci Catalog - comprehensive guide to the modern and contemporary guitar repertoire - online database
Pocci Catalog - Digital Music Library (large sheet archive, pdf)
Richard Yates Classical Guitar Transcriptions - free scores
Rischel & Birket-Smith Collection (RiBS) - Catalog 1 - Catalog 2 - (National Library of Denmark & Copenhagen University Library)
Sheet Music Trade - large selection of sheet (all instruments) - membership needed
Viktor Sharii - interesting collection of sheet music + some tabs
Dr Koh's Guitar Sarang (R.I.P.) - forum - vast classical guitar sheet music thread - membership needed
eMule ed2k link - mbwanna - 20GB of classical guitar sheet, (old) tabs & MIDIs - lots of gems and some that are not so good - the motherload!
MANY THANKS to all those who have contributed tabs to the Classical Guitar Tablature page (knowingly or unknowingly), including -
A Frank - Aaron Willmon - Acilio neto - Adam Dengler - Adam Guzowski - Adam Kilic - Adrian Bogusz - agrant342 - AHC - Ajay Rajput - Akakii Melikidze - Alain Jacomet - Alan Melvin - Alberto Carrillo Albaladejo (Albertto Becker Bulsara) - Albert N Danial - Alejandro Santander - Aleksander Luneborg - Alex Clavijo - Alex Mann - Alex Mondragon - Alex Teixeira - Alfredo Iembo - Allen Trotter - Alfonso Palma - Alti - Amauri Mendes - Anders Karlsen - André Gasko - André Torre - Andreas Manthey - Andrej Cerjak - Andres Chavez - Andrew Conkling - Andrew Lee - Andrew Palmer - Andrew Teoh - Andrew Whelan - Andy Smith - Aner Lucero - Antanas Tamašiūnas - Antonio Pinna - Ariel Martín Bellio - Armin Eslami - arnaud - arsenio plasencia rodriguez - assefio alladino - atahualpa - Átila Gauland de Magalhães Bortoluzzi - Austin L Baldwin - Avi Yaacov - axman - Bart Bosmans - Bart T - Bay Kamber - Ben Litchman - Ben Neely - Ben Nickson - Benjamin Leperchey - Bin Sun - Bjoern Seifert - Blake Salem - Bob Longmire - Bob Planque - Bon Ha Gu - BoZi Zen - BrazilOnGuitar - Brian Gilner - Brooke Aday - Bruce Mox - Bruno Barberi Gnecco - C F Cox - C Ray - Canaan Hadley-Voth - Carl Brown - Carlos Cordero - Carlos Miani - Cemhan Baykal - César Córdova Tapia - Charles Wright - Chopin10 - Chris - Chris Bolton - Chris Mooney - Chris Ninman - Christian Liang - Christian Ottem - Christopher J Kosciuk - Christopher J Rizzo - Claus Myltoft - Clint Hamilton - Cody Swanson - Colin Johns - Collin H - Courtney Babbidge - Craig Hawkins - Curzio Vasapollo - Dan Evison - Dan Shurley - Daniel David Cummings - Daniel Elbirt - Daniel Routman - Dantiel - Dany Zatuchna - Dario Giordano - Darrell Thomas - Dave Gainer - Dave Shering - Dave1770 - David Atkinson - David Immanuel - David Iria - David Khats - David Klausa - David Magalhães - David Mai - David Maurice Garrett - David Threlfall - David McGirr - David Olson - Davide Bioccoli - Demian O F - Diakastor - Dick Campbell - Didier Doguet - Diego Nocrato - Dieter Kleeman - Dima.S - Dimitris Dranidis - Dirac - Dirk "Dimman" Roth - Dirk Meineke - Dobroide - Donald Belanger - Donald Sauter - Donavan Wells - DRK HRSE - Dudewad - Ed Innes - Eddie Ceja - Edward Graffley - Edwin Tan - El Guapo - Elias Gander - Elvis - Elvis Obama - Eric Dale - Erik Wernersson - erik_84 - Eryk Wdowiak - Etherman - Eugene Kirpichov (Antilamer) - Evgenij Voos - Fabrice Bongartz - Fimmel & Luke - Francis Gosselin - Francis Hockey - Francis Poulin - Francisco Galera Peral - Francisco J Espinosa - François Joseph Kuonen - Frédéric Harnois - Fredrik Widlund - g guibert - Gabriel Casalett - Gabriel Lopes - Gareth Taylor - Gary Jones - Gavin Emery - gensaaa/ForyDaze - George Dickeson - Geoff Phillips - George Lin - Gezgin Paksoy - Giancarlo Bellido - Gianpiero Ciammaricone - Glen Carpenter - Gnom - Goran Stefanovic - Graham Archer - Grant Floyd - Greg Boland - Greg Motlasz - Grzegorz Konieczny - Gux Martín - Hamilcar - Hashim Al‑Daghistani - Hector Lai - Heng Leong Cheong - Henry Beimers - Hernán Guillermo Renom - H H - Higgenssen - Horst Dernovsek - Hossein Mansouri - Hugo Moreno - hyperion - Ian Clay - ichigik - Ilya - Ivan Paschoito - jack.x - Jackson K Eskew - Jaime Monjeau - Jake Boone - Jake Hart - James A - James Doane - James Hall - James Jay - James McKaskle - Jamie Amir - Jan Tomaszewski - janeaire - Jared Ngawaka - Jasmine Korcok - Jason Glisson - Jason Kortis - Jason Wald - Jeff Kollasch - Jeff Meier - Jeff Silence - Jeffrey Lo - Jerad Yarborough - Jeremy Pacailler - Jeremy L Thompson - Jeroen Wijnhout - Jesse Allain - Jesse Lacharite - Jim Kirby - Jim Riley - jim shea - Jin‑sung Lee - JL Thompson - jlg - João Fernandes - Joe - Joe Weiblen - Johan Sjolin - John Buxton - John Kean - John Kepa Balparda - John Mc Keown - John Rardin - Jon Bratgjerd - Jonathan Barchas - Jonathon Clark - Jonny Hotnuts - Joost van den Berg - Jordan Astridge - Jordan Keller - Jordoq - Jorge Castillo - Jorge Sampaio - Josh Plumb - Joshua Serrano - Juan de Dios Jurisch - Judy Letostak - Julio Auto - Jussi Poikonen - K Gerard - kanariokasia - Kari Bogdanoff - Kari Laavunen - Kaze - Keiran Earl - Kevin J Manges - Kevin Smith - kipp aaron john - Lann - Lara Sköld - Lauri Niskanen - Lei Shan - Leidail Alemania - Les Weller - Lilje Annika Johansson - Lluís Baró - LNHaONCDN - Lorenzo Facchetti - Lou True - Luc Eerdekens - Luca - Luciano Dyballa - Luis Quinta - Luke Meyer - Luyang Yang - M Pierzchalski - madrid - Manfred Kilian - Manuel Quezada - maprich - Marcel Dadi - Marcelo Funtowicz - Marek Klacko - Marin Rameša - Mark Burleigh - Mark Michaelson - Mark Nelson - Mark Stevens - Mark Vincze - markus - Martin Jagos - Matt Howe - Matt Montwill - Matt S - Mattias Wiik - Matthew Ferguson - Matthew Teigen - Matthieu Arnoult - Matthieu Leschemelle - Maurizio Abatino - Max Kouznetsov - Maxime Bergeron - Maxime Pierre - Maxime-Gervais Gagnon - Me j - Mean Mr Mustard - MET - Micah Muldowney - Michael Allongo - Michael Felix - Michael Karr - Michael Neumann - Michael Zefas - Michel Dalle Ave - Miguel Careaga - Miguel Celis Romero - Mike Bremford - Mike Kohlert - Mike Rosulek - Mike Schmidt - Mike Yukish - motsukare - MQ - Mr Tabber - muhammad - Nate Stephens - Nathan Brooks - Nicholas Doolittle - Nick Choly - Nick Gee - Nick Zuccaro - nir aharoni - Norbert Neunzling - ocajinoj - ohdan - Ola Bush - Oliver Goodbourn - Omar Garcia - Otavio Maciel - Pablo Mamiaro - Padre Alfonso M Parente - Patrick - atrick wan‑kenobi - Paul Dearhouse - Paul G Steffen - Paul R Estrada - Paul Schütz - Paul Zimmerman - Pavel Komolov - PD - Pearl - Pedram Moss - Perry Cammack - Pete Leckie - Peter Le - Peter Mancuso - Peter Møller - Peter Zhang - Petteri Keinänen - Ph Renaud - Philip Delaquess - Philippe Renaud - Pierre Olivier - prusche - Rab Fulton - Rajmahendra R Hegde - Ralf Flicker - raim cain - Ranger Lacy - Raul MH Bonde - Reidar Halvorsen - Reiz Evans - Remishka - Remus Visan - René Puchinger - Rich Meyer - Richard Buzard - Richard Darsie - Richard Finlan - Richard Lookman - Richard Mehtala - Rick Breitenstein - Rick Kephart - Rob Boellaard - Rob Knight - Robert Bereny - Robert Dyball - Robert McCann - Robert Quiggle - Robin - Rod Kahler - Robson Carvalho - Rodolphe Raymond-Champagne - Rodrigo Normando - Roger Margido Proeis - Romano - Ross Buchanon - Rostislav V Razumchik - Russell Cook - Ryan Hoover - Ryan McGrew - Ryan Owen - S - Salvador Mauricio Delgado Guerra - Samy Sahnouni - Samuel Lumele Sambo - Samuel Perez - Samy Sahnouni - Sanh Kha - Sary Drappeau - Sav - Scott Erickson - Scott Gingerich - Seadrop - Senti onauts - Sergio Fraire - ShadowJim - Sharad - Simon Ghyselincks - Simon Poliquin - SÓcrates - Sonya Hallett - Ste Hodges - Steve Amador - Steve Bondy - Steve Leegood - Steve Thomas - Steven Diran Amador - Stinky10 - Stuart Webner - sum_asinus - Syed Shawkat Shumon - Tahir Hajiyev - Takuma Mamoru - Tarek Yazbek - Teemu Vakkilainen - Teodoro Gómez Gajete - The_S - Thomas C Gannon - Thomas J Kelly - thomas johannes fuchs - Thomas Santapaga - Thomas Schenkman - Thomás Hernández Schmidt - Tim Ivanic - Tim Lutz - Tim Smith - Timothy Lipetz - TJ Flippin - tmb - Tobias Petterson - Tolur Niotum - Tom Barclay - Tom Otto - Tommy Norris - Tony Monaghan - Torsten Lasse - tr8729 - Travis Lucius - Travis Wong - Tyler Mitchell - Tyler Shade - underwoodarturo - Victor "Rolo" Cooke - Victor Zefas - Vince Ferrara - Vincenzo Chiaravalle - Vincenzo della Vecchia - Vlad - Volkan Mengi - Wallace Turner - Warren Arlauskas - WAV - Werner Kilb - Wilfried Sigle - Willem de Pous - Wilson Adkison - wim - Yannick Roulin - Yola Vanderwal - Yoni Kaston - Yos Lasibey - Yuki Uemura - Zeljko Matovic - Zipidy Doodah - ZXPKNOBB
and thanks to Maxime Bergeron for the scrolling app, to Karl Duckett for the Classtab graphics, and to all those who have helped with 'wants', especially Vlad
also thanks to everyone who has helped with corrections, especially Chris Tisdale, Hossein Mansouri, Jeff Kollasch, Norbert Neunzling, Oliver Goodbourn, and Peter Henderson
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